Profile Module
This page will help you setup Profile module and bump your profile to different Clans and Alliances!
Last updated
This page will help you setup Profile module and bump your profile to different Clans and Alliances!
Last updated
Profile module helps you to advertise your player profile to different clans and alliances, helping you find the best clan! If a clan (or) an alliance is interested, they can invite you directly by using Clash Recruiter
Select the player account for which you want to create a Profile
You can select your preferences in a clan by using the select menus!
What is Average Townhall in Clan?
The average townhall level of a clan is calculated by adding up the townhall levels of all its members and dividing the total by the number of members
Press Done button once you've set your Preferences!
You can enter your profile description when the text dialog box pops up! Press Submit once done!
You can try to tell about yourself and what you expect in the clan and additional requirements that you specifically have.
Press Yes if you're looking for a competitive clan. If not, you can press No
You can view your Profile before bumping by using
You can stop receiving clan and alliance ads by using
This allows your Clan (or) Alliance to directly recruit players right from your server channel.