How to Make a Player Feed Channel?
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This is a channel where the ads of the bumped player profiles will be posted
The bot must have Manage Webhook permissions in the feed channel to setup it
Type the following command below to make a feed channel
You can then select the channel where the bump messages would go and click enter.
Select Player Ads as the type for feed channel!
Press Yes if your server is a Community Server
Press No if your server is a Clan/Alliance server (this enables you to invite players directly via Clash Recruiter)
This allows you customize what module is being sent to the Player when they're Invited by you, using Clash Recruiter
Clan - Sends your Clan information from Advertise Module
Alliance - Sends your Alliance information from Alliance Module
The information being sent to the Player is identical to the information sent on bumping your Clan/Alliance using /bump
Press Yes if you want to receive player ads posted on the r/ClashOfClansRecruit page as well
Once you choose an option, you will get a reply from the bot and the player profiles will now be sent to the mentioned Channel!
You can use Invite Player button to invite the player to your Discord Server!
This will send your Clan (or) Alliance information to the Player! If they're interested, they can join your server!
You can use Player Profile button to get in-game stats about the player!