Alliance Module
This page will help you to setup the alliance module.
Last updated
This page will help you to setup the alliance module.
Last updated
This module will help you advertise your alliance to multiple servers in discord by just a command. This module will help you to reach the people and recruits who play clash of clans! Your alliance details and server link will be advertised to 100,000+ Players!
You can setup the module by typing,
The field will require you to enter the server link for your server. Make sure the link is Never expiring and No limits for users to join.
You can also include a fancy showcase message of your alliance clans' details in the welcome channel to let the new users know about your clans and its glory! Check out the link below for it!
Enter all your clans' tags, each separated by a space, as shown above!
Example: #XAUOB #123KN32 #OIPJ2N12
You can press the "Initiate Setup" button to start the setup process.
It should open up a Modal box that allows you to type out your Alliance Description and Alliance Requirements.
Hit Submit after you're done!
Your description and requirements should be within 1000 characters
You can press No Banner if you don't have a custom banner. If you have one, you can press Custom Banner
You can attach the banner in the message when you reply to use that image as the banner
You can also reply with a link of your banner or poster to keep that.
When using a link as the reply please keep in mind that your web link should be the direct link to your image. This link can't be a link to a Google Drive (or any other cloud drive) or Google Photos.
Pro Tip: You can upload animated banners by becoming a Patron for us!
You can view your configurations for the module by typing,
You can use the following command to edit any specific data without having to do the setup again!
This allows your Clan (or) Alliance to directly recruit players right from your server channel.